Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Podcast Episode

I have a new episode of my podcast, Hypersensitive, up so go check it out:

and please be sure to leave me feedback to let me know what you think!!


Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Episode of My Podcast is Online!

I was finally able to finish a new episode of my podcast and upload it last night. Check it out here:

and please be sure to leave me feedback to let me know what you think!!


Friday, February 15, 2008

New Podcast Episode - Coming Soon

Good news! I have a band-aid fix on my laptop (and am hoping Dell comes through with the more reliable fix soon - *crosses fingers*) and will start working on a new podcast episode which I hope to record, edit and upload by Sunday night. Wish me luck ...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Hypersensitive Podcast - Episode 01

The first official episode of my podcast is finally up!

Please check it out HERE!

Don't forget to leave a comment on the podcast site to let me know what you think.



Thursday, November 15, 2007

JENNA'S BLOG 11-15-2007

So, my therapist suggested that I start keeping a journal. The theory is that if I write it down I will get out all my anxiety and be able to sleep. I'm not sure if I agree or not, but at this point I am willing to try anything to get some recuperative sleep. So, here goes. This is what I have been obsessing about lately:

I have mixed feelings about the Mayan Calendar Theory - that the world is going to end (or at least the world as we know it) on December 21, 2012, the day the Mayan Calander ends. I have seen a lot of references to it in the last few months and many of the arguments as to why it may be legit are pretty compelling (except for the nostradomus and web-bot arguments). Now, I am not generally a conspiracy theorist and will certainly not be preparing my "end of the world survival kit," but I want to be prepared in case *something* does happen at or around that time. So, I've been randomly thinking about what I would do if I wake up on December 22, 2012 to some post-apocalyptic world a-la "Resident Evil" or "Jericho," if you will. The best news, of course, would be that all my student loan and other debt would theoretically be wiped out. Would I be the kind of person who would help in efforts to rebuild civilization, or would I wuss-out (like I did in New Orleans) and just live out my days in a straw hut on a beach somewhere like a "Survivor" contestant (minus the stupid challenges and annoying tribe-mates)? The fact that I don't know, and that at different times I alternate elaborating on each scenario, is starting to contribute greatly to my feelings of failure and inadequacy. Damn the stupid History Channel for airing that episode of "Decoding The Past" at the exact time I was passing it while flipping through channels!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Podcast In Production

Ok, guys. I am working on the first official episode of my podcast and I'm looking for some volunteers to help me with some sound-bite type things I want to use to kind of separate different parts of each episode and/or just mix things up a bit. In case you want to check out the really crappy intro episode and have the podcast website address for future reference, you can check it out here:

I need some people to record the following phrases in WAV or MP3 format and email them to me. If you would like to help out but don't have the capability or know how to make such a recording, email me and I will send you my cell phone number and you can leave the phrase or phrases you want to be a part of on my voicemail. If you would like to do more than one phrase, you can combine them all on one WAV, MP3 or voicemail - just leave a few seconds of dead air in between each phrase. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Here are the phrases:

1) "What are you, like, twelve???"

2) "Hey, what's going on with that book-thing of yours?"

3) "Well, what exactly DID you do this week?"

4) "Sometimes I don't know whether to laugh at you or pity you."

5) "And your whiny cry-baby opinion would be ... ?"

6) "Does your train of thought have a caboose?"

7) "Do you even KNOW who I AM????"

8) "Geez, when are you going to get a Tivo already??"

9) [laughing] "You REALLY made me a mix tape???"

10) "Sweetie, your iTunes library could REALLY use a makeover ..."

Any recordings I receive before 7:00 PM this Friday (Nov. 16th) will definitely be used in Episode 1. I will integrate any other recordings I receive into later episodes. Thanks in advance for any help you can give on this - I am really excited about this project and working hard to improve the quality and make it successful!


Friday, November 9, 2007

First Post

I am toying with the idea of starting a podcast and/or a podiobook, so I thought I would go ahead and start the associated blog.

I have had this great idea for a John Grisham-esque legal thriller for the past ... oh ... 3 years or so (your mind tends to start making up outrageous scenarios when you're doing boring, monotonous work, right?). I'm an ENORMOUS procrastinator, so the whole podiobook format would - theoretically - provide great incentive for finishing the book in a timely manner since the longer the time lag between chapters the less interested people tend to become in the story. In a burst of creativity this week, I finished a synopsis and outline for my book, wrote out a teaser summary, and got two paragraphs into the first chapter. I thought I would post my teaser summary here to get some audience reaction. Let me know what you think, and if you know anyone who might be a fan of this genre please pass this along for their feedback.


Jenna Mayfield dreams of being a world-class civil defense litigation attorney, but in reality she is a bottom-rung document review attorney overwhelmed by mind-numbing monotony. Jenna Mayfield dreams of being swept off her feet in some harlequin-esque romance, but in reality she is so terrified of commitment that she can’t even remember the last time she actually went on a second date. Jenna Mayfield dreams of having a social life to rival the Hollywood set, full of late-night partying at the trendiest clubs with a big group of adoring friends, but in reality she is somewhat agoraphobic and, given the choice, would probably end up staying at home watching cable or cleaning out her Tivo and socializing only with her cat. However, Jenna’s reality is about to change. Buried in one of the sets of “monotonous” documents she is called on to review is a secret that will shatter Jenna’s “real world” and force her to confront the demons that have been holding her back from fulfilling her dreams. A secret one family will go to any lengths to conceal, and out of which another family may unknowingly hold the key to the future of an American empire. From Chicago, to New Orleans, and eventually to Los Angeles, Jenna will simultaneously run from and chase down the secret that threatens to destroy her life. But, the question is, will the fears that have haunted Jenna’s adult life destroy her first?


Comments are much appreciated. Thanks!